1. Who is the target audience?
The target audience is driver who needs a car that won't cost too much, small, and affordable. Usually for everyday driving.
2. What technique does the advertiser use to sell the product?
The car is not too big, not too pricy. TOYATA car is very fuel efficient, and long lasting. A lot of color you can choose.
3. Do you think this ad is effective? Why or why not?
Yes, because the low price, gas saving. A lot of driver would want a car that saves gas. Also long lasting, so it will not break down easily. Also the colors attract the attentions of young people.
1. Who is the target audience?
Their target audience is families with children or pet. Family who loves outdoor activity and travel.
2. What technique does the advertiser use to sell the product?
They are emphasize one touch seat folding system, that allows the back seats folds automatically by a simple touch and more space in the back for things.
3. Do you think this ad is effective? Why or why not?
Yes, I think that is effective, because even a god knows how o use it.
1. The TOYOTA car is more design for a single person, not much of a Family Car, because the car is not that big. The TOYOTA is less expensive than the MITSUBISHI. MITSUBISHI is more for family who loves outdoor, and spacious in the car.
2. The price is a big difference. TOYOTA cost about $450,000 and MITSUBISHI cost around $800,000. Although the MITSUBISHI has the one-touch folding chair, but most people would consider price is a big concern when buying the car. TOYOTA ad would attract the attention of more young people, Because of the large car not too popular to young people because too costly to own and maintain.
3. Although MITSUBISHI car's advertisement is more convincing with the picture of the dog and family. But I believe people would still choose Toyota, because according to online information, more people buy TOYOTA than MITSUBISHI. Unless the buyer loves to travel, then Mitsubishi would be a better choice for them. But for a typical person who wants to drive, TOYOTA would be a better choice.